已发布: 4 十月 2019

Agile Governance for Creative Economy 4.0

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is transforming creative economies across Asia. These economic systems of activity that originate in individual creativity, skill and talent and that can create wealth are generating greater consumer benefits, new models of cross-border content distribution, and refreshed opportunities for local content production and economic development.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is transforming creative economies across Asia. These economic systems of activity that originate in individual creativity, skill and talent and that can create wealth are generating greater consumer benefits, new models of cross-border content distribution, and refreshed opportunities for local content production and economic development.

In this pivotal moment of transformation, it is important to examine how regulators can foster a thriving environment for creative economies in the digital era, and how regulation can enable their true potential and economic development. Rather than applying traditional regulatory approaches, creative economies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution can flourish if guided by agile governance – a more adaptive, human-centered and sustainable policy approach.

This Briefing Paper examines agile policy development approaches that can help countries in the ASEAN region and beyond unleash the full potential of the Fourth Industrial Revolution for their creative economies.


世界经济论坛 报告 可依照 知识共享 署名-非商业性-非衍生品 4.0 国际公共许可协议 ,并根据我们的 使用条款 重新发布。





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