已发布: 22 十月 2011

Accelerating Entrepreneurship in the Arab World

The launch of the Accelerating Entrepreneurship in the Arab World report, produced by The Forum of Young Global Leaders and Strategy& highlights 10 recommendations to promote a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem across the region. Policy-makers, business leaders, academia and civil society leaders are all aiming to match the enthusiasm felt around the region with a clear plan for job creation. With this collaboration, which leverages Booz & Company’s expertise in the region, interviews with 20 YGLs from around the globe and several case studies featuring Young Global Leaders and other entrepreneurial successes, we are offering a tangible set of recommendations for leaders in the region to follow

The launch of the Accelerating Entrepreneurship in the Arab World report, produced by The Forum of Young Global Leaders and Strategy& highlights 10 recommendations to promote a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem across the region. Policy-makers, business leaders, academia and civil society leaders are all aiming to match the enthusiasm felt around the region with a clear plan for job creation. With this collaboration, which leverages Booz & Company’s expertise in the region, interviews with 20 YGLs from around the globe and several case studies featuring Young Global Leaders and other entrepreneurial successes, we are offering a tangible set of recommendations for leaders in the region to follow


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