已发布: 24 五月 2022

A Freshwater Future: Without Blue, There Is No Green Economy

A Freshwater Future: Without Blue, There Is No Green Economy is a new briefing report produced in collaboration with Isle Utilities. The report spotlights how water can enable and accelerate the transition to a green economy. It provides insight on how water can unlock multiple gains to stimulate discussion and mainstream best practice to become common practice. The hope is to inspire a broader set of leaders to take action and create a groundswell movement of even bolder ideas in the lead up to the UN Water Conference – the first in over 40 years – taking place in March 2023.

A Freshwater Future: Without Blue, There Is No Green Economy is a new briefing report produced in collaboration with Isle Utilities. The report spotlights how water can enable and accelerate the transition to a green economy. It provides insight on how water can unlock multiple gains to stimulate discussion and mainstream best practice to become common practice. The hope is to inspire a broader set of leaders to take action and create a groundswell movement of even bolder ideas in the lead up to the UN Water Conference – the first in over 40 years – taking place in March 2023.


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