Inclusive Trade

While trade and globalization have created jobs and lifted incomes in some contexts, they have left behind or exploited workers in others. How can trade policy play a positive role in addressing these challenges without straying into protectionism or undermining developing country participation?

Social justice concerns have captured global attention, with growing calls for racial and gender equity and the protection of Indigenous Peoples and migrant populations. There is scope for a new approach to trade policy and practice.

To be truly inclusive, trade must actively work for all sections of society. This involves ensuring access to trade benefits and the mitigation of harms to workers and underserved groups. The Inclusive Trade project brings together multi-stakeholder communities to realize this vision. It furthers research and dialogue and informs trade policymaking and supply chain practices through the following tracks:

-         Trade and Labour Programme (with the TASC Platform and funded by Laudes Foundation)

-         Trade and Indigenous Peoples Programme

-         Supply Chain Sustainability (with the Green Trade project)


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