Quantum Security

A global multi stakeholder initiative aiming to help build a secure quantum economy


The Quantum Computing age is growing ever closer, and it could render obsolete the current encryption on which most enterprises, digital infrastructures and economies rely. This is a significant risk that could prevent this technology's true value from being realized and addressing this issue requires prompt action at the national and global levels.


With the emerging of quantum technologies urgent attention from enterprise and policy leadership is needed to drive individual and collective action globally to provide a global collaboration platform to address the key security challenges while realizing the potential of quantum technologies. This initiative focuses on three objectives. 

  • Identify emerging and distributed security risks 

  • Improve education and awareness by developing actionable insights and guidelines 

  • Showcase use cases and determine emerging focus areas for future research, investment and governance


The Quantum Security initiative, part of the World Economic Forum – Quantum Computing Network, is a community of senior executives and experts from business, academia, governments and non-profit organizations at the forefront of promoting secure adoption of quantum technologies.

How to engage

Project community: Nominate quantum experts, emerging technologies and cybersecurity experts or senior executives, and policy‐makers to provide ongoing input to this initiative.


For more information on this initiative, please contact:

Filipe Beato, Lead, Centre for Cybersecurity at Filipe.Beato@weforum.org

Akshay Joshi, Head of Operations and Partner Engagement, Centre for Cybersecurity at Akshay.Joshi@weforum.org


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