Save One Seat (Greece)

Cafés, bars and restaurants in Greece have been left in turmoil, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, experiencing disruption of their daily operation, as per government regulation, and ending up with limited liquidity. On the same time, the Food Services industry is one of the largest contributors of the Greek economy, in terms of GVA and employment.


Save One Seat is a platform where restaurant owners can register and allow their customers to pre-pay their meals in the form of a voucher, therefore providing them with the immediate liquidity they need to continue their operations and pay the bills during lockdowns. On the same time, partnerships with companies, such as Coca-Cola HBC and E-table, allow consumers to benefit from special promotions (e.g., 1+1 schemes), providing an additional incentive for their contributions.


As of Jan.30, 2021, more than 120 bars, cafés and restaurants all over Greece have used Save One Seat to boost their short-term liquidity.

Save One Seat aspires to be the catalyst that will help Greece's large food services sector survive during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Global Shapers Athens Hub is aiming to create a platform, that in the long term, can be self sustained and embraced by the users so that it is available anytime the economy pushes restaurants, cafés and other small businesses to limit their activity and therefore also restrict their liquidity.

Find out more here:


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