Partnership against Cybercrime

The Challenge  

Cybercrime remains a substantial and pervasive global challenge. Effectively mitigating cybercrime requires tackling its origins, a goal attainable only through enhanced operational collaboration between the public and private sectors. 


The Partnership 

The Partnership against Cybercrime (PAC) was launched in 2020 to promote public-private cooperation to combat cybercrime. It serves as a platform for insight sharing and continuous exploration of approaches to drive successful collaboration against cybercrime. 

The PAC brings together a dedicated community of global businesses, leading national and international law enforcement agencies, and leading not-for-profit organisations. The PAC’s work led to the creation of the Cybercrime Atlas initiative in January 2023, to map and better understand the cybercriminal ecosystem.  

The Objective 

The PAC aims to shift the balance between cybercriminals and defenders by mobilizing the private sector and promoting public-private cooperation.  

Outcomes and Deliverables 

Over the course of 2024 the PAC will lead 3 thematic workstreams: 

  1. Develop a Framework for Operational Collaboration against cybercrime, in collaboration with the Cybercrime Atlas

  2. Advance Systemic Defence: mapping potential systemic and upstream solutions to prevent cybercrime at scale; devising an implementation strategy and policy recommendations. 

  3.  Harness AI to Combat Cybercrime by understanding how Gen-AI is utilized by cybercriminals and how it could be harnessed to combat cybercrime.


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