DoAr Campaign

Problem Statement

Vulnerable communities in Florianopolis do not always have the financial means to purchase COVID-19 protection masks. Similarly, many people including local seamstresses have been economically affected by the pandemic.

Target Group

Local seamstresses in difficult economic situation and vulnerable communities in Florianopolis.

Proposed Solution

The Doar Campaign ( was a money-raising campaign that aims to impact a thousand people directly through the purchase and donation of COVID-19 protection masks, through a social investment mechanism. 

Hub Activities

The project had 3 main steps.

  1. Raise money

  2. Distribute the money to two local projects that worked with seamstresses in situation of economic vulnerability

  3. Distribute the masks to another two social projects that support vulnerable communities at Florianopolis. 

In addition to impacting the persons who received the masks for individual protection and also for the protection of the people around them, the money raised generated income for this group of women who have been economically struggling during the pandemic. To compose the impact cycle, the masks were made of washable fabric and could be reused several times. In other words, generating less waste for the environment.

Short & Long-Term Goals/Results

The original objective was to impact 1000 people with the donation of 1000 masks, generating protection and income to local seamstresses and two local social entrepreneurs.

In the end, this is what we achieved:

- R$ 2815.73 reais were collected

- 50% of the amount was donated to @AteliêCatarina and 50% to our partner @Seneart

- 581 masks were produced

- 160 units were transferred to a local movement that supports black community

- 421 were transferred to the Marist Social project, a project that supports children in needs. 


@Seneart and @AteliêCatarina


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