
The Artisanat sector in Meknes, Morocco, is an important part of the local economy and cultural heritage. The region is known for its rich traditions of craftsmanship, particularly in areas such as ceramics, leatherworking, woodworking, and textiles. These crafts are often passed down from generation to generation, with many artisans having learned their skills from their parents or grandparents.


The artisans in Meknes are highly skilled and produce high-quality handmade products that are unique and distinctive. They use traditional techniques and materials, often incorporating local materials such as leather, wool, and clay. These products have cultural and historical significance, and they also provide a sustainable source of income for the artisans and their families.


Trading their products internationally is an important way for these artisans to reach a larger market and increase their income. However, many of them lack the knowledge and resources to market their products effectively and sell them online. This is where the ArtMek project comes in, which aims to provide training to these artisans in digital marketing, e-commerce, communication, and other areas that will help them to sell their products more effectively and expand their reach.


Through this project, the artisans in Meknes will have the opportunity to learn new skills and increase their income, while also preserving their cultural heritage and contributing to the local economy. By supporting the Artisanat sector in Meknes, we can help to ensure that these traditions and skills are passed down to future generations and that the artisans can continue to thrive and share their unique and beautiful products with the world.


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