Rosie Campbell

Director, King's College London

Professor Rosie Campbell is professor of politics and director of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s College London. She held positions at Birkbeck and UCL before joining King’s in 2018. She has recently written on barriers to participation in politics, gendered patterns of support for the populist radical right and what voters want from their elected representatives. Her publications cover the subjects of voting behaviour, public opinion, the politics of diversity and political recruitment. She is the principle investigator of the ESRC funded Representative Audit of Britain, which surveyed all candidates standing in the 2015, 2017 and 2019 British General Elections. She has co-authored reports for the Fawcett Society, The Expert Panel on Electoral Reform for the Welsh Assembly, the EHRC, BBC Radio Four’s Woman’s Hour, The Electoral Commission, The Fabian Women’s Network and The Hansard Society. Rosie has presented six episodes of Radio Four’s Analysis on How Voters Decide, Authenticity, tearing up the politics textbooks, Operation Tory Black Vote and Whither the Greens? In 2020 she presented an episode of BBC Radio 4’s rethink series examining how COVID19 is accelerating changes to our world that were not expected until at least 2025.
Contact details:, twitter @ProfRosiecamp.





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