Joshua Castellino

Executive Director, Minority Rights Group International

Joshua Castellino is Executive Director of Minority Rights Group International and founded the School of Law, Middlesex University London (2012), where he retains his Professorship. He holds visiting academic positions at the College of Europe, (Poland), Oxford University (UK), & the Irish Centre for Human Rights, Galway, (Republic of Ireland). He sits on governing boards of civil society organisations in India, Netherlands, UK, Norway, Hungary and Italy. Joshua was born and brought up in Mumbai and worked as a journalist for Indian Express Group in the 1990s, before winning a Chevening Scholarship and completing his PhD in International Law in 1998. He has published eight books and over a hundred articles on international law & human rights over twenty-five years in academia, including the Minority Rights Series published by Oxford University Press. He engages with questions of minority and indigenous peoples’ rights at inter-governmental, parliamentary, apex courts, bar associations, civil society organisations and Universities in over fifty countries. He participated in the European Union China Diplomatic & Expert Dialogue on Human Rights (2002-2006) and was appointed Chair, by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the 8th Forum on Minority Issues (2015), an inter-governmental dialogue with civil society under the auspices of the United Nations Human Rights Council.





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