Aditi Mohapatra

Vice-President, Global Social Impact and Sustainability, Expedia Group

Aditi Mohapatra is a Managing Director with BSR, Business for Social Responsibility. In her role, she works with leading global corporations to improve and advance their sustainability strategies. She leads BSR’s global portfolio of work on diversity, equity and inclusion across consulting, collaboration, and research.

Aditi joined BSR after several years at Calvert Investment Management, a leading sustainable and responsible investment firm. There, she led strategic planning for Calvert’s executive committee, and held various roles within the sustainability research team. Her portfolio included companies in the information and communications technology sector, and she led corporate engagements on the subjects of gender corporate governance and gender equality, including the advancement of the Calvert Women’s Principles.

Aditi holds an M.B.A. in Finance from George Washington University, and a B.S. in International Economics from the University of Florida.





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